Friday, October 1, 2010

October projects

Friday, October 1, 2010

I am going to try two projects this October:
  1. Take a picture of our yard every day of the month. I have done this before, and it is a pretty neat way to see the changing seasons. When we lived in Texas, I wanted to do it, but we didn't have a yard, and the seasons in Texas all tend to look alike.  In New York, I did it in the spring, and got to watch the snows come and go, and the yard turn from brown to green. The same in the spring here, although less dramatic. Now I want to try fall. And I will post some of the pictures here. Above is the first of the batch, taken this morning around 10 AM. I am staying home from work with a sore throat, so I had great lighting.  Most pictures will probably be more crepuscular, since it is taking longer to get light these days, and sunset is creeping up too. 
  2. Write a blog entry every day of the month, even if they aren't all interesting. Another blogger I started following recently did this for the month of September, and I like the idea. When I first started this blog, I did write almost every single day; lately, what with work, Facebook, and boring routines, I haven't been blogging as much. But I like blogging, and having a chance to try to write something. So, every day this month, I will do my best to come up with at least a little scrap of something to say. I guess if I can't think of anything, there are always pictures of my yard!

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