Saturday, October 2, 2010

10 inches short, so far

According to the weather section of the newspaper, we are 10 inches behind in rain this year. I can believe it. My lawn is crispy, and I have been watering the vegetable garden, roses and shrubs every few days all summer, hoping to keep everything alive until the rain returns. As much as I like the lovely weather we are having right now, I do wish it would rain, and not just a quick shower or little drizzle. A nice, slow, soaking rain, for a day or two. Sigh. The 10-day forecast does not give me hope in this regard. No rain at all. Not a single drop. Poor garden.

I didn't say that every post this month would be interesting! 

1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting to me; I look at rain gauges too:)
