Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pedestal Rocks

A couple of weekends ago PM (pre-move) we went hiking at Pedestal Rocks and King's Bluff. A big thanks to Greg for the suggestion! It was a great day for hiking - not too hot (unlike this week), not too many people out, no bugs. The trails are up in the Ozarks a bit, so we were up in elevation, which made it nice and cool. The trees were verdant from all the rain we had in May.

The rock formations were fascinating and enchanting. We spent a lot of time stopping to look over the edges of the bluffs, or peering into holes. It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Here you can see one of the pedestal rocks that give the trail its name. There were quite a few of these interesting towers, and plenty of bluffs too. I may not like the heat here in Arkansas, but it certainly does have some interesting hiking trails!

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