Monday, June 29, 2009

Meet Miikka!

On Saturday, an event I have been waiting 8 years for finally happened: We adopted a puppy! I love my cats, don't get me wrong, but they didn't fill the puppy-shaped hole in my heart. Well, pine no longer, o heart!

Miikka (no, that is not a typo) is supposedly a daschund/shepherd mix. Huh. We shall have to just wait and see what he ends up favoring when he gets older - at 8 weeks he is cute, and that is what matters! I had wanted a big dog to go hiking with and so forth, but all the bigger breed dogs I looked at were just too hyper, too big, too intimidating to the cats. Miikka is a good compromise - he's a puppy, but he isn't at all scary. I don't know if he will be up to long hikes, but we will find out eventually. I guess he could always end up in a backpack, much as I have mocked people who do that.
He is named after Calgary Flames goalie Miikka Kiprusoff. We watched him a few years ago in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and liked him and his name... So far, the puppy has proved to be intelligent, and best of all, the cats aren't afraid of him.


  1. Congrats!! How nice to have a dream come true. :D Am looking forward to seeing how this hybrid pup grows up. What an odd (special!) mix Mikka is.

  2. aaaaaaaaaaa! so cute!

    I cannot picture those two dog breeds gettin' it on, but I guess the proof is in the pudding...

  3. Don't give up on the long hikes just yet! My mom has a yorkie and that dog can hike, even with the short legs.

  4. donobug@comcast.netJuly 1, 2009 at 7:13 AM

    If that dog grows up to his fathers size he will be fantastic. He wonàt be any problem on a hike. Your mother and think he is absolutely adorabe. We can understand why you picked him. He is gorgeous.
