Monday, July 7, 2008

Long weekend recap

Let's see, what did we do this weekend? There was quite a bit of tennis, surprisingly. It is a lot nicer playing tennis when it is 75 degrees out than when it is 90, so we are playing more tennis than we ever did in Austin. We played tennis on Friday and Sunday (I lost all the matches), and watched quite a bit of tennis on Saturday (women's finals) and Sunday (Nadal d. Federer in the longest singles match final ever). I am getting better, but my automatic muscle reaction still has racquetball responses - which don't work well with a net.

Friday we also went to a Rochester Red Wings baseball game. That was fun, if a bit expensive. Not for the seats - those were cheap - but for the food. It cost more for a small cup of ice cream than it does for a pint of the same ice cream at the grocery store. Huh. Oh well. And there were fireworks, which I got pictures of but didn't get off of the camera yet, quite nice fireworks.

Saturday we went for a 14 mile bike ride up the canal to the next town, Holley, and a surprise waterfall. Benjamin had discovered the waterfall on a previous ride and wanted to take me to see it. It is a surprise because most of the land around here is pretty flat - no altitude changes really - and doesn't seem to give itself to gorges and waterfalls. But, there it was. Again, I have pictures but they are still inaccessible. Check back tonight or tomorrow and I will try to have them up then.

In other news, this is my last week at work. Next week we head up to Washington for a vacation and hiking trip to the beach (wahoo!!). Then, it is moving time. Whew.

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