Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Belated weekend pictures

Here are the pictures I should have put up yesterday. I got them off of Benjamin's computer last night, but then our internet went down so I couldn't get them up here. Huh.
Fireworks - there is a special fireworks setting on our camera that works pretty well. It is sort of long exposure sort of setting, so you can get the fireworks as they shoot up and as they explode.
The Holley falls. Not as dramatic as the ones we visited the other week, or Niagara, or the Ithaca gorges, but still neat. A good picnic location, and a good spot for water loving dogs to frolic.
Last but not least, Oliver helping us play Trivial Pursuit. He loves sitting with us on the table. He ran away right after this picture, since he is camera shy. Good thing, or we would have had to give him a game piece and ask him questions. Hard to do, since he was sitting on one of the wedge spots.

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