Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A thawing in the kitty cold war

Over the weekend, a thawing occurred in the kitty cold war that has gripped this household since late November. Cleo, who has been the primary instigator and victim of the war, seemed to decide that she was not going to take it any longer. She shared a bench with Oliver (above) and the living room with Creamsicle (below). Yesterday evening she spent her time going from place to place in the living room, trying them all out to see which one was the comfiest. All of this would have been unthinkable a month ago. Hurrah! She and Oliver also ventured out into the front and back yards (chaperoned of course) several times to munch grass and do a little (very little) bit of exploring. Oliver, once the all-around picked on nice-guy, now chases both CS and Cleo when he feels like it, and taunts them both.

I am not sure what occasioned this change, but I am happy about it. Maybe one day they will all sleep happily together on the bed. Wait, that would mean even less room for Benjamin and I...we might have to cede the bedroom to the cats and sleep in the living room!

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