Monday, May 26, 2008

The form of spring

If Plato was right, and there are forms, the ideal perfect of any object, then Saturday and Sunday were the forms of Late May weather. The sun was out, but it wasn't too strong, there was a breeze, but it wasn't troublesome. The blooming flowers and trees gave the air a soft scent. And there were ducklings! It was almost enough to make me forgive the snow in March for sticking around long after its welcome had been worn out.

For the first time in a long while we were both feeling pretty good, and we took full advantage of the days. On Saturday we, along with half of Rochester it seemed, headed to the Public Market. The local Brockport Farmer's Market doesn't open up until the middle of June, and fresh local produce was somewhat scarce at the market, but we still found quite a bit to buy. On our way home I detoured to show Benjamin where I work, and in a stroke of genius, we decided to have lunch at Java's - the excellent coffee shop just next door to my office. I have had their desserts, which are far too good to eat on a regular basis (if you know what I mean by good - high fat, high flavor - yum yum) but I have never had lunch there. They do sandwiches, salads and soups - we tried the first two of these and were well pleased. In the afternoon we took a long, leisurely stroll up the canal and basked in the air.

Sunday we went on the first extended bike ride of the year. It wasn't all that extended - only an hour and 11 miles - but we are both still recovering from nasty colds, so that was good. We intend to go on longer rides later in the season. Again, the weather was perfect, although we could have done without the headwind on the homeward portion of the ride. I finally got to use my bike bell - I have had it here for ages but never got it on the bike until yesterday. It is actually on the wrong side - it tilts to the left, but since I had to add duct tape to hold it still, it isn't moving.

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