Monday, April 28, 2008

Kitty alarm clock

Are you a sound sleeper? Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? If so, try this innovation: get a couple of cats, train them to want breakfast at a certain time of morning, then start lengthening the days. Works a treat. Cleo and Oliver have taken this regimen to heart and applied it to us this weekend. Oliver would start meowing and singing around 5:45 or 6, then after about 20 minutes, Cleo would begin a sort of steeplechase, or rather people-chase. This involved racing across the foot of the bed, then dashing up to the head of the bed and running across, just above our heads. Occasionally, she would stop the running to meow and purr, staring intently at one of us. On Saturday, Benjamin enacted a sleep alarm of sorts by locking them out on the porch - too bad we were both mostly awake already. During the winter, when it was dark until 7 or 7:30, the cats were mostly quiescent, patiently waiting until we managed to drag ourselves out of the warm bed. Sigh - one of the perils of spring.

Here is a great cartoon that aptly illustrates the kitty alarm clock principle:

In other spring news, the canal is now full once again - it seems too full, after being so low for so long! And I saw the first bunny of spring in the backyard this morning. Didn't see a single one all winter - where were they hiding?!

1 comment:

  1. My dad & I had a little game when I was a kid, since we had a bunny who'd disappear & reappear at irregular intervals. We made up a life for him. Like, "Where's the bunny been?" "He's been vacationing in the Bunny Bahamas!" Or, "He's been away at Bunny Business School." Just in case you were thinking I wasn't a big dork or something.
