Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Backyard bunny

The bunny is out back tonight, sitting under the bird feeder. He's (she?) just sitting - I watched it for a little bit, through the binoculars, and all that moved was its nose. It was pretty calm too, not running away when I went out the loud porch door to bring in my lettuce planter (it might freeze tonight).

Someday I would like to have another bunny as a pet. When I was small we had one that I don't remember - we have pictures though - that apparently bit me. Later, I had a spotted mini-lop named, officially, Bunnicula, Bun Bun for short, who was what might be called a free-range rabbit. He had the run of the house and yard, and spent a lot of time eating my mother's plants, pooping behind the furniture, and terrorizing the cats. He also ate the spines off all the Agatha Christie mysteries and children's books on the bottom bookshelves. I was supposed to be in 4H with him, but after a couple of chaotic rabbit shows, he was deemed to have the wrong shaped head, and 4H was abandoned. When we got Smokey, Bun Bun had to be kept in his cage (he looked an awful lot like dinner to the dog), which he did not like, after his years of unrestricted freedom. Eventually, he went to be a shop rabbit at a carpenter friend's shop. We tried one more rabbit when the youth pastor at church had one he couldn't keep. This rabbit was named Mozart, and was used to being in a cage. Unfortunately, he too looked like dinner to the dog, and had met a sorry end when he dug out of his special lawn cage in an unattended moment. The question is, will I ever have a dog I can train not to eat the rabbit? I know it is possible - Sheila, Benjamin's step-mother, did it with her German Shepard - but he was a very smart, very well-trained dog. Ah well, for now I can just enjoy watching the bunny in the backyard.

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