Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snowed under

OK. We have now had the big snowfall I wanted, and now I don't want it anymore. Since Friday afternoon, we have had approximately 18 inches of snow, maybe more (it is blowing around so much that it is a little hard to tell). It isn't so much the amount of snow, exactly, but the timing of the storm, and the fact that I am really ready for spring. The first of those complaints - the timing - is because Benjamin was supposed to be flying out of Rochester this morning, headed to Arkansas for a job interview. When we checked the airport last night - more than 12 hours before the flight - it was already canceled. So, instead of having a relaxing Saturday night, we spent a whole bunch of time on hold, trying to reschedule or get him another flight out today. And then we had to change our clocks, which is trying enough on a normal weekend. Urgh. Since we couldn't get anything sorted out last night, we had to go at again this morning (I keep saying we, but mostly it was Ben - I was out shoveling snow so we could get out of the driveway if we had to make a dash for the airport). After several hours of being on hold, and frantic emails to the contact at the interviewing school, everything got sorted out.

As for the second complaint against this storm, that I am ready for spring, is a bit unreasonable for this area of the country. According to the local weather people, March is often the snowiest month of the season, and so far, it is indeed living up to that appellation. Even so, I am now tired of winter. I have tried to remain positive about the gray, and the snow, and the cold, and the blowing wind over the last few months. I remind myself that for the last six years I have griped about how I wanted a real winter - well, now I have had that winter, and I want it to stop. As I moaned multiple times yesterday, if we were in Walla Walla, it would be daffodil time. And if we were still in Austin, it would be almost time to start picking strawberries.

So, that's my demand - spring. Soon. Please.

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