Tuesday, March 11, 2008

After the storm

We are still digging out from under the weekend storms. Well, not us personally, since we got the driveway cleared on Sunday, and that is all that really matters to us, but the area in general. This morning when I returned from taking Benjamin to the airport, Main Street was closed so that the Public Works guys could use big machines to remove the accumulated snow. They scoop it into the backs of dump trucks, in which it is driven out into the countryside somewhere and dumped.

On Sunday afternoon, after the snow stopped falling and the sun came out, we went for a ramble about town. We went down a new (to us) street and found the above cemetery. It looked a lot like some sight out of a Russian movie, the steppes or the prairie. The whole cemetery was covered in a deep layer of snow, and the wind was blowing across, stirring up clouds of snow. Cool! And check out the icicles on the house below - some of them are close to 3 feet long! These are just the most impressive - most houses, including ours, have a least a couple. I took too many pictures of them, but I have never lived anywhere with icicles.


  1. Aha! THAT's why there are no 3-4 foot snow banks along the streets in your photos! You live in a *city,* where they remove snow instead of walling off your driveway with it. The very idea.

  2. Hmm. Well, sort of. There were 3-4 foot snow banks after the storm on Sunday, and after other storms. They don't remove the snow on the side street. And it is the village doing it - I am not sure that they do that in Rochester proper. But the thing is that after every snow storm, we have had warmer periods, so all the snow melts before the next storm.
