Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saddest mascot ever?

This is the moose mascot for the Rochester Americans hockey team. It is SO sad looking, like the team just lost. When it came out on the ice at the game last night, after a big build up, Benjamin and I just looked at each other and started laughing. You see, what you can't tell from this picture is that the moose is decrepit - it skated around the ice like it was 90 years old, and the antlers droop, and the eyes are cast down. It certainly doesn't look excited to be at a hockey game...It rode a 4-wheeler during an intermission, but slowly, and carefully. The moose pictured on the t-shirts at the souvenir stand was a scary, buff looking moose. Fang, the Austin Ice Bats mascot, skated around like he had a jet pack on, and rode the 4-wheeler like he was trying out for the X-games. The Mariner Moose is athletic and crazy (almost ran over CoCo Crisp during a game this summer), and his antlers stand up straight. What's up with this moose?

The game was fun, even though I spent the entire first period feeling sorry for the moose! The arena is really nice here, a huge leap from the Expo Center and Chapparal Ice in Austin - no bleachers, a video replay screen, real concession stands... and Amerks won. It is always nice when the team you are there to watch wins.

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