Monday, November 5, 2007

Fire, and marshmallows

Friday night we finally had our fire in the firepit, and made s'mores. We figured we'd better do it soon, because it is getting rather nippy out these days, and didn't want to be out in the snow trying to roast marshmallows. It was still pretty cold, even with the fire. This picture is taken with the flash on - I wanted to get a nice, artistic view of flames and Benjamin in shadows, but all I got was flames and darkness - so you will just have to imagine that it was completely dark, apart from the fire (and the light from the neighbor's giant light...). Flames and darkness are artistic, but not good enough to actually see anything or anyone in. As you can see, Creamsicle joined us, aggressivly claiming lap space. Any time she was in my lap and I wasn't petting her she would head-butt me until I took proper notice. I think she will probably end up as our third cat, once I get a chance to take Cleo and Oliver to the vet, and get her checked out as well.

Anyway, we had a good time roasting marshmallows. All of mine caught on fire, as usual - I am too impatient when it comes to browning them, but none of them fell in the fire or on the ground. And, best of all, there was no sand on them! Since I usually only made s'mores at the beach, sand was often a common element in any of my marshmallow roasting attempts. I am very talented at getting sand in my food...

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