Thursday, October 4, 2007

Horse chestnut season

Although you would be hard pressed to determine the season by the weather - we are in the middle of a lovely stretch of warm weather -, it is Fall. And Fall means it is time to collect horse chestnuts. When I was very small, my parents and I would take annual trips to Volunteer Park in Seattle and fill great baskets full of the chestnuts (which are NOT edible, by the way). When I went away to college in Walla Walla and rediscovered them, I was so excited that I brought a large paper bag full when I came home on break. They are lovely and smooth, and somehow soothing to hold in your hand in your pocket as you walk around - sort of like those stress balls you are supposed to twirl around in your palm. They signify Fall, and I have missed them in Austin over the last six years. (Of course, Fall in general is something that I missed in Austin. Although October and November can be nice enough, no one who actually knows what Fall is like would describe Austin as having one...) Anyway, there are two horse chestnut trees on our street now, and I have started picking them up again.

Autumn (to change my term for the time of year) is a good time to take an early morning walk. The dew on the plants makes for interesting pictures (ask my dad, he had several slide trays full of dew drop pictures at one point). I took this one today. The morning was foggy, although most of the fog had burned off by the time I got out of the house (OK, so it wasn't that early of a morning walk, but the dew hadn't dried yet!). I know it would be more impressive in a bigger picture, but I don't really want to take up all my storage space. If you want a larger copy, let me know.

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