Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bakers Anonymous

If there is such a thing, I think I should join. A support group that I could call whenever I feel like baking too much...I love baking desserts, breads, cookies. It is apple season, which means apple pie, apple bread, apple muffins. Soon it will be pumpkin time, which means pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cheesecake. It is always cookie time - chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, ginger snaps, sugar cookies with icing. And there is are all sorts of miscellaneous baked goods like spice cake, pound cake, gingerbread, and breads of all kinds. I want to make them all!

What is wrong with being a profligate baker you ask? For me, it is the fact that there are only two people in our house, and when I bake something, we have to eat it, all of it. Neither of us need the extra calories and fat that come from eating an entire cheesecake, nor do either of us really want to eat that much. And baking that much is expensive! Have you seen the price of good butter these days? What I need is a family of 10 to eat everything, or a small cafe! (Just after I typed this, I heard this story on NPR about professionals trading their jobs to become bakers.) No Mom, I can hear your thought right now, and am not going to open one. I will just have to continue to hold myself back, unless y'all want to come visit - then I will have an excuse!


  1. This sounds like Mulzer's delima. In the last week and a half she's made two apple pies and a dozen apple turn-overs. Then there's the usual mass of chocolate chip cookies and red-velvet cakes. The only reasons we are not both massive are: 1) Running 30 miles a week, and 2) co-workers. Set a cake down in a teacher's center and it will be gone in less than a period, two if you forget to put plates and forks next to it.

  2. As long as you and Sylvia Plath have nothing else in common, you're probably okay!

  3. I suggest having Ben take baked goods into his fellow professors and/or students. He could perhaps always have them on hand for office hours or something. We only survive the baked good onslaught that I create without diabetes thanks to my and Chris' baked-good-loving coworkers.
