Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kinda spooky

Last night I had a dream that Benjamin and I were walking through the woods when we saw a snake. "It's a copperhead," said I, "we should get away from it." So we started walking away, but the snake chased us and bit Benjamin in the leg. I was worried and tried to call 911, but kept getting stuck in a maddening automated phone directory that would only give me little platitudes ("We're sorry and hope you feel better soon") (this was actually scarier than the snake bite, since Benjamin seemed fine and the likelihood of him getting a snake bite is pretty slim, but the phone thing could actually happen!).

The spooky thing happened after we were awake and getting going for the day. Cleo found one of the three small plastic toy snakes we have and started playing with it. She has never shown any interest in them before, although they have been out and about for years. Anyway, she carried one into the bed room and put it on Benjamin's side of the the bed. The snake? You guessed it - it was a copperhead.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Cleo picked up on that dream! makes you wonder whatelse they know.
