Monday, September 10, 2007

Introducing Creamsicle

No, I haven't adopted another cat, at least, I don't think I have. She may have adopted me, however. I first noticed her one morning last week - she was waiting outside the side door when I went out to do tai chi. There are a lot of cats in this neighborhood, so I didn't really think anything of it; however, she was back the next morning, and the next. Yesterday morning, she was crouched on our small front porch, trying to stay out of the rain. I felt sorry for her, petted her, and gave her a little bit of food. Oops. She stayed on the porch most of the day, leaving only to sleep in the dirt under the eaves. Now, she seems to be a permanent fixture on the railing of my front porch. I don't know if she has a real home to go to, with people who are missing her, or if she is a stray. She is far too tame to be feral, and seems reasonably well fed and healthy. She likes petting, and will almost sit on my lap - she likes to knead (or pussy foot as I called it when I was little). I am not sure what to do. I have not fed her again, and am hoping she will go home. If she doesn't, I may be forced to adopt her out of concern for my own tender heart...

This is our fire pit at the end of the back yard. I spent some time last week cleaning it out - it was overgrown with all sorts of plants. Now we just have to get some fire wood and we can make s'mores and stick biscuits... Yum! We were planning to camp out in the back yard one night this weekend, but Friday was too hot, and Saturday we didn't get the tent out until 10 PM, at which point we noticed that both neighbors had large halogen lights on, illuminating not just their yards, but ours as well. We gave up. Maybe next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. The cat: someone could have moved and left her there. I would talk with a neighbor (great way to learn who they are:) ). Then, if no claims her, take her to the vet and make sure she has shots. I am sure your generous mother will help with that bill!
