Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Malcolm in Bellevue, Part Deux

 Here are some more pictures from our recent trip to visit the grandparents.

We didn't even coordinate our outfits on purpose! One of those mysterious family occurrences, I guess. Malcolm is taking after his grandmother and closing his eyes in family photos, although this time Grandma actually kept hers open.

I guess Grandpa didn't get the memo about wearing blue.

Grandma Betty and her dog Chi Chi go down to this park at least once a week to walk. This morning it was cold enough that Chi Chi needed her jacket. Malcolm took the opportunity to catch up on his morning nap.

Malcolm gets to Skype with Grandma and Grandpa almost every day, so he recognized and remembered them this time and didn't act all shy. But they don't get to hold him over Skype, so they were very happy to have him around for a few days.

Grandma's owl made him laugh. 

Grandpa let his beard grown out (much to grandma's dismay) just so Malcolm could pull on it. Malcolm duly obliged, although he doesn't look too sure about it here.

Another new experience on this trip was sitting in a high chair at a restaurant. We've taken him out to eat before, but until now he always sat in someone's lap. To him, the best part was the mountain of napkins to shred. He kept me busy, picking up the confetti, making sure he didn't eat too large of pieces. He behaved very well - no shrieking.

He also got a stroller upgrade while at the grandparents' house - now he can finally see where he is going! We really needed a new stroller- he only tolerates the old one, and won't let us use it for walks. It is not really meant for anything more vigorous than a stroll around the grocery store or the mall anyway. And he is getting too heavy to carry in the snuggli on long walks. This is much better, and assuming he will allow himself to be held down for that long, should last until he is 4 or 5 (I doubt he will allow that - I certainly didn't!).

1 comment:

  1. Great update! I haven't checked facebook for a while (gave it up for lent) so it was nice to see updated photos! Stroller will be great. I have put many a mile on mine. J did decide at around 2 1/2 that she no longer wanted to ride but walk. That said, when I finally do make her get in, she sheds a few tears, wails, then is fine. So hoping another year at least. :) Your mom and dad looked like they were in heaven.
