Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween, now with Malcolm

I am not really much of a Halloween person - the best part for me was always the candy, and now that I am an adult I can just buy it for myself - and we don't have any parties to go to, so Malcolm does not have a costume this year. He will just have to be a cute baby instead. That said, babies in costumes are generally adorable. One year, Benjamin and I were at a minor league hockey game around Halloween, and there was a costume contest, where the best costume was judged by the applause of the fans. There were several adults with perfectly serviceable costumes, and a small baby in a Tigger costume. It was no contest - the baby in the Tigger costume won hands down. The applause for the adults was polite; the applause for the baby in the Tigger costume (I keep repeating the whole phrase because that is how it is seared into my memory) was thunderous. You kind of had to feel a little sorry for the adults, because they never had a chance.

And here is Malcolm with Oliver. Oliver is sort of curled up here, so you can't get a great measurement, but you can tell that Malcolm has gained on him quite a bit since the last time they were pictured together.

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