Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grandpa Comes to Visit

My dad came to visit Malcolm for a week. It was great having him here, and we got to do a lot of different things together.

Like fencing. That's me up there, still nice and rusty after almost 8 months off. But I did get at least one touch.

Pretty soon we will have a foil in his hands too!

Grandpa and Mal, taking it all in.

I also got to play in a tennis tournament - only the third time I've been on a court since the end of April, when I stopped playing because of the heat. The heat was not a problem on Saturday. It was 47 and windy for our 9 AM match.

You will notice I am the only one not all bundled up, and that is only because too many clothes distract me. I'd rather be cold than bundled while playing... Sort of.

The second match was inside and much warmer.

We also went on quite a few walks. Here, Malcolm is in the Snuggli my parents used for me 33 years ago!

Another walk, this time at a local park.

Benjamin thinks he's smiling too much, but I think it is a pretty good family picture.