Friday, August 5, 2011

One last set of Philadelphia pictures

Ha - thought I was done with Philadelphia, did you? Well, I have a bunch more, but I am getting rather tired of posting them, so I will just give you one last set.

I was actually there for a reason - the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference. Which Philadelphia put on the flyers that were hanging on the streetlights around the city. I presume that the purpose is two-fold: to welcome the visitors, and to let the locals know which group of weirdos has taken over the convention center that week.

This is a scale model of the convention center itself. Can you tell how huge it is? It covers at least three blocks, and crosses the street to another section as well (that domed building to the back left). The conference was only in the left end of the building, but I walked the length of it outside several times.

Double click on the picture to see it larger. This is the domed area, what used to be the Reading Train Terminal. That is a wood ceiling. It is huge. See the booth in the center? That was at least 6 feet tall.

And right next door to the convention center (and my hotel) was my favorite place in Philadelphia - the Reading Terminal Market. For those of you who have been to Seattle, it is sort of a smaller version of Pike Place Market, with Amish vendors (well, some of the vendors are Amish anyway). I bought loose-leaf tea, pastries, pizza, fruit, bread, breakfast (mmm...crepes - forgot to take a picture, I was too busy eating) and lunch there. If I lived in Philadelphia, I would be hard pressed not to spend every Saturday morning there...

So that is most of my trip to Philadelphia. Who knows what I will post about next week. Maybe the heat - we have hit 100 every day this week, and Wednesday we broke the all-time record for Little Rock, with 114. I am so ready for fall...

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