Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5K Recap

The 5K was this weekend. I didn't meet my own personal goal of not walking at all, but I finished. I am pretty sure the main reason I had to walk was the temperature/humidity combination: it was 85 with 60 or 70% humidity at 8 AM. Since I did most of my practice running in the gym, with at least a little AC, that was just too much. Benjamin ran the entire way though.

I still don't think that I am a real runner - it isn't fun yet, not really. It is work, a challenge, but I don't lose myself in the running. But I certainly do want to RUN an entire 5K some day, when it is cooler. So I will keep running some of the time for my morning cardio workout, and I will try to go longer and faster. Maybe being a runner isn't something you just become - you have to slip into it, until one day, I will look up and say - Hey, I'm a runner!

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