Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Fabulous

This is my outfit today*. I absolutely love it. It makes me feel sassy, sexy, beautiful. I didn't think I could pull off this dress when I saw it in the store, but I had to try it on anyway. What a surprise to find that I can look this great. It is a wonderful Friday outfit - the opposite of Casual Friday - it makes the last day of the week special. Whenever I dress down, I enjoy being comfortable, but I rarely feel my best.

*This picture is from September, the first time I wore the dress, but the outfit is exactly the same today.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful, Hope! I love it. I also like dressing up on Fridays, rather than dressing down. I completely agree that dressing up makes me feel my best. Especially when a week has been dragging. Although my outfit today is definitely not that spiffy. :)
