Thursday, February 18, 2010


I wish I had something interesting to post, but I don't. I have been taking some pictures, but they are all still on my camera. I haven't baked anything since this weekend, and the bread I baked was OK, but nothing to write about. Mostly, I have been going to work, coming home to play with the dog (or fight with him over our daily walk...he is being an adolescent, and it is a pain), making and eating dinner, and going to bed. This time of year is sort of difficult to write about. Spring isn't here yet, winter isn't fully gone, but is on its way out. The weather is about all there is... It is sunny and 53 at the moment - a heat wave, compared to the past few days. But rain is supposed to come for tomorrow and the weekend.

We are going to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof tonight at a Little Rock theater. That should be fun, except for the part where I don't get home and into bed 2-3 hours after my normal bedtime, and still have to get up for work tomorrow...

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