Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cuteness for Thanksgiving

Miikka napping in the sun on our deck. He isn't this still very often. Usually, he is running around, trying to catch something or digging a hole to China or finding pine cones.

Miikka is a budding literary critic as well. Here, he displays his feelings for Michael Crichton.

He is not a fan.

He does stop moving enough to cuddle some times. Usually not until the program we are watching is almost over, however.

Here he is in one of his common activities. Poor Benjamin is stuck, squatting on the floor, since Miikka climbed onto his lap when he crouched down to say good morning (you can tell it is morning by Benjamin's untamed hair).

1 comment:

  1. AH, makes me feel closer on this day before holiday eating. Miss you terribly. Mom
