Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I am becoming one of those bloggers. The ones who only update sporadically, days, weeks, maybe even months apart (I'm looking at you Bonny Anne). I don't mean to, it just happened. Our desktop computer, the one I used to store and sort all our pictures, has recently gone belly up (the big clue? The message saying that no operating system was installed. That, and the ominous noises emanating from it every time we would turn it on). We have all the old pictures on an external hard drive, and I can use that to take pictures off of the camera, but, well, it seems like more work. And I am getting lazy.

And then, since moving, we haven't done that much in the way of exciting adventures. It has been raining a lot. And I haven't been baking much - trying not to eat too many cookies. Miikka is still cute, and I have a lot of pictures on my camera to share, but I don't want this to be a Miikka-only blog. Naturally, I have a lot of opinions on current events, but I don't really want to turn this into a political blog either - there are plenty of those, and some of them are actually good.

So, I apologize for my lack of posts and my general boringness lately. I will try to be less lazy, try to be a better blogger. Stay tuned, and I promise I will have some more updates soon.


  1. You could have a baby:)

  2. That's not funny Mother! I also don't want to become one of those bloggers that posts nothing but pictures of their expanding belly, and then pictures of their child, of course the cutest in the world...

  3. I've found that Facebook eats up my blog posts. It's a dirty habit that I need to get out of. Blogging at least makes me think beyond one or two sentences or hitting the "thumbs up!" button.
