Monday, October 12, 2009

Local Food Bonanza

Tonight we are going to the 2nd annual Farm to Table dinner put on by our local CSA. It should be great - it was last year. It is held at a local restaurant that has been rented out for the evening. All the food is from the farmers who supply the CSA, and it is cooked by a local chef. Some of the farmers come to the dinner too, so we get to meet the people growing and raising our food. It is a little pricey, but completely worth it. I am a cheapskate, but I am more than willing to spend my money on good food and supporting local businesses.

In other food news, it has been soup weather here lately, so yesterday we made split pea soup. With a loaf of homemade bread, it was the perfect meal for a cold, dreary day. Ahh...

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