Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Turtle in the garden

I spent the entire three-day weekend off of the Internet. No email, no Facebook, no blogging, no reading random junk that I run across - it was fabulous. I did take a bunch of pictures, and went on a couple of hikes, which means plenty of blog entries and photos for you this week, my dear readers.
Before I launch into the cuteness that is Miikka, however, let me start with the turtle in our garden. I knew there were box turtles on our hill - I rescued one from the middle of the road a month or so ago, and have seen them on my walks, but I had no idea we had one ourselves. I may have remained in my ignorance, if not for Miikka and his barking.

Yesterday morning, while eating my breakfast, I heard him barking, and assumed he was tormenting Creamsicle, as he does fairly often. So, I called him back to the porch, gave him a treat for coming like a good puppy, and went back inside. A minute later, the barking started again. This time, I went to investigate, and found this poor turtle under a bush. I picked it up (at risk to life and limb, since the bush was very prickly and probably full of spiders), shooed Miikka back into the house, and put the turtle under a more accessible bush to be dealt with after breakfast. In the end, I simply relocated it to the front yard, where Miikka can't find it. When we got home from our hike in the afternoon, the turtle had disappeared, hopefully to a new home deep under the bushes.

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