Thursday, September 10, 2009

Miikka's busy weekend, part 2

So, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were full of fun for Miikka, but it was a three-day weekend, and Monday had something exciting in store: a real hike. Bell Slough was just a warm-up, a walk in an unfamiliar place. Monday was the real deal.

We wanted to go for a hike, but not a really long one. After consulting our Tim Ernst guide, we settled on Hunt's Loop in the Iron Springs Recreational Area. The trail was 4.5 miles, and originally, we weren't going to take Miikka, but his cute little face and wagging tail convinced me otherwise. I am so glad they did. He was an excellent hiker.

The trail started with the hardest part first: a series of switchbacks up the side of a small mountain (well, hill really, but it was steep). Miikka was off like a rabbit, bounding up the hill, jumping from rock to ground and back up again. No worries about him wanting to sniff more than hike. At the top, we all had to stop to cool off a bit - the day was quite warm and very humid. But apart from a lunch break, that was the only time we stopped, and the only rest that Miikka needed. Such a trooper! I am excited that we have a hiking doggy - that was my only real reservation about getting a small dog - and there are plenty of hikes in his future.

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