Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Well, it's Wednesday

I wish I had something interesting to say, or at least another funny photo, but I don't. Benjamin has been gone since last Wednesday and won't be back until Saturday, so apart from the house inspection on Monday (which went fine, apart from the many mosquito bites I got investigating the backyard) I haven't done anything . He also has the camera, so I can't include any pictures of my new tattoo (OK, so I did one other thing over the weekend).

I have been going for a walk every morning, now that it is light enough out at 5:30. I love getting out when it is quiet - well, quiet isn't exactly the right word, because the birds are all singing like crazy, but there aren't any motors going. And there are bunnies. I usually see 3 or 4 bunnies on every walk. They just hang out in the yards around the neighborhood, munching grass (and presumably other plants). I wonder if there will be bunnies in our new neighborhood? Not that I will see them, assuming I start walking with a dog...

We have had about 13 inches of rain so far in May. It is supposed to rain again later today. Ugh.

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