Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm back!

We (my co-workers and I) made it back from Washington D.C. safely last Thursday. Our plane made an unscheduled stop in Little Rock, instead of Memphis, because the Memphis airport was closed due to bad weather. At first, the Powers That Be said we might be able to get off, instead of going back to Memphis, where we would have had to wait until Friday for a flight or rent a car to get home. Then, They said no, we had to stay on the plane, because there weren't any stairs available - which was completely bogus because I could see 4 sets just sitting there out my window. When the 25 or so of us for whom LR was our final destination started to protest, the flight attendant and pilot got working and eventually we were allowed to get off. Our luggage, however, had to go back to Memphis. The very unhelpful woman at the airline desk said that there was no way to check if our luggage had arrived, apart from coming back to the airport. This is not correct, as I learned by pursuing it on the computer and phone on Friday morning.

Anyway, we got back, and got our luggage. I'll be putting up pictures all week. Now, it is back to work. Whee!

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