Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Humdrum Tuesday

I wish I had pictures to show you today, or a recipe or something. But I don't the pictures from this weekend are still on the camera, and I haven't done any interesting baking lately. It is rainy and warm and humid here in Arkansas, and that's about it. Benjamin is almost finished with the semester - this is the last week of classes and then a week of finals... So soon, and not soon enough! As soon as he is truly finished, we are going to get serious about looking for a house. I still need to find us a real estate agent so we can get the inside scoop on the houses we are looking at, and we need to do more than just look at them online. If all goes well, we should be in a new house some time in June or July. I can't wait - the first thing we will be getting after we move is a dog. It is a promise, and if it doesn't happen, well, I can't be held responsible for the consequences!

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