Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is with this weather? or I feel vindicated!

Our weather this week: Sunday - mid 70s, Monday - 80, Tuesday - mid 70s, Wednesday - 40, Thursday - 33. Tonight - chance of sleet and freezing rain, temps in the 20s. Now, I am OK with 80 (although I could do without the 80% humidity that went with it), and I am OK with 33, but I would prefer them to be separated by a month, or at least a couple of weeks. It is impossible to know how to dress, which coat to wear. We used to have the same problem in Austin, but not in New York or Washington. Huh.

In related news, researchers at Harvard have concluded that a hike in temperatures can cause headaches. Check out the NPR story about this here. Aha! And it has been known for a while that barometric changes can cause migraines. So, with these two pieces of information, I feel vindicated in my beliefs that it is totally not my fault that I have headaches when the weather changes and when it is hot (either one of which is usually happening here in Arkansas).

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