Monday, February 9, 2009

To the Top!

We took advantage of the lovely weather on Saturday - mid 60s, sunny - to go for a hike. This time we headed to Pinnacle Mountain State Park, in part because it is fairly close. It is a popular destination, as proven by the swarms of people climbing the mountain with us. I suppose I should be happy to see all those people getting outside and getting exercise, but that happiness is balanced by the fact that there were all those people, getting outside and in my way! It is a somewhat strenuous climb, since it starts going up right away, and doesn't stop until it reaches the top. There is quite a bit of rock scrambling required, and not everyone was prepared for that. The view from the top was quite good, and worth the climb. No pictures, alas, because the camera wasn't charged up, and may not be working anyway.

To avoid the crowds, we took the back route down - the more strenuous, and therefore less traveled route. Once we were away from the swarms, I enjoyed the hike much more. It is great to have something that interesting so close to the city, and while I, with my misanthropic tendencies, prefer to be alone on my hiking, I am glad that so many people were making use of it.

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