Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Camera stuff

I have several topics I want to blog about - daffodils for one - but I really want pictures to go with the posts. Unfortunately, for the last month I have been practically camera-less - our trusty Nikon Cool-pix began to give up the ghost. It is 8 years old, and has served us well, until January. All of a sudden, it stopped taking pictures on the normal setting. Sometimes it works OK in close-up mode, but not always... Crisis! I feel almost handicapped without a working camera.

What to do? I had been promised a camera - a SLR with changeable lenses - for my birthday, but I didn't want to wait that long, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I don't need that much power right now. I would love it, but I doubt either of our home computers could easily deal the picture size, among other things. Instead, I asked Dad to send me his "old" camera - only a couple of years old, and a lot younger than ours. It arrived yesterday, and I have started taking pictures. So, I will be back blogging about real topics soon, I promise!

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