Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Adventures in carpooling

In the interest of saving the environment and my own sanity, I have recently begun carpooling to work several days a week. I serendipitously found someone who works in my building, although not in the library, who had advertised for a carpooling buddy. I called the number listed on the flyer, and we agreed to meet and check each other out for suitability. After the initial meeting we decided to give it a try, starting last week.

Our first day was Tuesday, the day of the ice storm and delayed start. This was adventure #1. In the end it wasn't much of an adventure, since there wasn't any ice and we made good time coming and going. But Gwen did managed to scratch up the side of her truck (it's a big one) on a hidden pole in the parking lot. After that, for a variety of reasons, we decided to drive ourselves for the rest of the week, and try again this week.

So, on Monday, it was my first turn to drive. It didn't get off to the most auspicious start when, confused by approaching the freeway entrance from a different location (we meet at a little park and ride lot) I almost got on the freeway going west, instead of east. However, with that crisis averted, we made it to work on time and found a parking spot in my regular location. That in itself was probably not the best choice, since Gwen has one of those backpacks on wheels, and the walk from the parking spot to our building takes you up a hill and across the side steps of the capitol building. Those steps are not handicapped accessible, and any wheelchair ramps there are tend to be obscured by parked cars. So she had to carry her little backpack in places. Oops.

But the real fun started on the way home. I am, for the most part, a very good driver. I don't tend to speed, I use my blinkers, and I watch carefully for maniacs on the road. I have an achilles heel, however, and that is curbs. I have a bad habit of running over them on tight right hand turns. So, turning the corner onto Markham on the way to the freeway, I ran over a largish curb. At the time I thought to myself, "Whew, that was a big jolt. I hope I didn't pop my tire. Ha ha ha." A mile or so later, I began to hear a strange "whump, whump, whump" noise that I thought at first was coming from the large truck next to me. But I decided I had better pull over into a parking lot (thank goodness I hadn't made it to the freeway yet) and check it out. Sure enough, I had a flat. Now, if you know me, you know I tend to take things into my own hands and want to fix them, rather than waiting for someone else to come along. At least when I think I might have a chance at fixing it, anyway. So, I decided that I would call AAA, get someone lined up to help in case I couldn't change the tire, and then I would change the tire. I was not dressed to do such a thing, but who besides mechanics ever is? I think the last time I had anything to do with the tires I was still in college. No matter, I opened the trunk and started to get out the spare and the jack.

While I was still on the phone, with Gwen standing by, trying to get me to wait for AAA, a Very Nice Man stopped and asked if we needed help. In the time it took me to get through to the correct AAA (I got routed to Washington's since I was on my cell phone) the Nice Man had the tired changed. He then followed us to the nearest gas station (the spare was low on air after sitting for 7 years) to make sure everything was OK. As he said, if it was his wife needing help, he'd want someone like him to show up, rather than a weirdo.

After all that, we were able to get home safely, driving slowly. Benjamin is supposed to go buy a couple of new tires today (might as well replace them in pairs), so I can drive again tomorrow. Gwen picked me up today, and despite my show of ineptitude yesterday, is still willing to drive with me and might even have me drive her truck home on my own today, since she might have to go run errands with her daughter.

I hope all my future carpooling goes more smoothly.

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