Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunrise in Sedona

I went to visit my grandparents over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. Every time I go to Sedona I think "I would like to live here." The views are just spectacular, with great vistas, sunrises and sunsets, and the air is clean and clear. Even in the summer, when it get up to 100 during the day, I could still stand to live there. Too bad there aren't many jobs for academics up that way - but if something comes open at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, I am sure I will be pushing Benjamin to apply.
This trip Aunt Mary, Uncle Richard and I went on a hike up behind Cathedral and Big Bell Rocks, towards the rock walls. Unfortunately, my camera chose that time to start acting up, so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. After 7 years, it is probably about time to get a new digital camera. If I am lucky, I will be getting one for my birthday in a few months. Hopefully it will hold up until then.
Here is the sunrise from the hotel parking lot. When the sun shines on the rocks at that slanted angle, they just glow. Every morning is a new revelation.
My grandparents, who have had dogs in the (distant) past, now have this little girl, Chi Chi. She is their baby, and is heavily doted upon. This is her morning walk sweater - it gets pretty cold in Sedona, up around 4500 feet above sea level, and she is a little dog. As a rule, I don't like little dogs, because they are yappy and tend towards stupid, but Chi Chi was a quiet, well-behaved, intelligent dog, and I will break the rule for her.

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