Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ouachita pictures

Okey-dokey. I finally remembered my memory stick, and I finally got around to putting up some pictures. So, the day after Thanksgiving our tradition is to go for a hike and avoid the malls. This year, we went the Saturday after Thanksgiving instead. Donna and David took us to a part of the Ouchita Trail - a long trail that winds through the state and into Oklahoma. David is trying to hike the whole thing, in segments, and wanted to do a particular section, the Sandslip Mountain section. There was some climbing up to a ridge, and some climbing down to the creek (see below) but otherwise it wasn't too strenuous.

As you can tell from this picture, it was not warm. About 45, which was just about right for hiking (well, I would have liked 55).

This is Irons' Creek - which looks like it would be heavenly on a hot summer afternoon (assuming it has water in it at that time of year). A bit too cold for wading on this day, however.

And on the road to and from the hike was the marvelous little building. The Steve Church of Christ. We speculated about who the Steve was who gets his own church, and whether or not people not named Steve can attend. (The practically non-existent town nearby is named Steve). I thought it was so interesting, I made David stop the car on the way back so I could get this picture.

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