Friday, August 29, 2008

Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah

Last night was the opening game of the football season here at UCA. We sort of knew it was happening, since several campus parking lots near us were closed all day, but apart from that didn't pay much attention...until the loud boom that we took to be a cannon went off. Being curious folks, we sauntered outside to see what a game here looks like.
It turned out that it wasn't a cannon - just fireworks that went off at the beginning of the game, anytime UCA scored, and at the end. The ones at the end were quite nice, but the others were just noise. They sounded like a cannon because they were being set off in the baseball field, which is even closer than the football field - a five minute walk away.
We weren't sure if we would be allowed top watch the game from outside the fence - at UT I am pretty sure you wouldn't be allowed to, if there was an empty end of the stadium. Here, however, we could have watched the entire game from outside. Yes, the angle towards the field and all the milling students (see top two pictures) meant that you missed anything close to the ground, but as demonstrated in the bottom picture, this didn't seem to bother the hoardes standing outside. I think most of the people in this picture are students, probably from the frats and sororities, since many of them had Greek t-shirts on. Anyway, it was a fun party atmosphere, and the students in the stands (top picture) were enthusiastic. The band was rather good - lots of complicated cheers and drumming. The adults - alumni? - were rather more subdued. I guess they needed some thunder sticks, like the students all had.

We didn't stay all that long, but do intend to actually attend a football game - unlike UT tickets are affordable, and we wouldn't have to worry about parking!

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