Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Requiem for a good pair of boots

Our backpack wasn't the only casualty on our Adirondack hiking trip; my favorite (and only) pair of hiking boots also suffered. I have had them for at least 8 years, and they were the best pair of boots I have owned - in fact, I had just finished saying how pleased I was with them when I first noticed their condition. They kept my feet warm and dry on all my snowy walks this winter, and didn't give me blisters. No more. The soles just disintegrated and separated from the body of the boots. I held out hope that they would be repairable, but that hope was squashed once and for all yesterday when I took them to a shoe repair shop. The wizened old man in the shop (and being a wizened old man in a shoe shop is a sure sign of faultless knowledge) said that there was no way he could do anything for them. So, RIP hiking boots, my friends. Sigh. Why does everything good have to fall apart eventually?

In other news, we are down to the last month here in NY. Eek!

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