Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh the humidity! and Flowers for Friday

After 6 years in Austin, I thought I knew about humidity, but I was wrong. In Austin, when it is humid and yucky outside, it is usually hot enough to have the a/c on inside, so you can escape. That means it is unpleasant, but bearable. Last night, it was humid, really humid, but not really hot enough to keep the a/c on all night. As a result, it was like sleeping in wet sheets. Ugh. At least it is supposed to be hot today, which means we will probably have the a/c on. Too bad we don't have it in the car any longer.
Here are a couple of flowers for Friday. I don't know what either of them are, but they are both on the berm of the canal out back of the house. The top one is all over in the wooded areas bordering the canal. It is really long lasting - the ones out back have been blooming for a couple of weeks, at least. The other one is growing on the fence in the yard. It is very tiny - the pictures make it bigger than it is - the blooms are smaller than a dime.


  1. The top one is dame's rocket, which looks an awful lot like wild phlox, but is much more common because it is one of those fearsome invasive species. The bottom one is a type of nightshade-- we had it back in Western WA, too.

  2. Oh great - an invasive and something deadly :) I knew that the first one was probably invasive, since it is everywhere. And the other one is that ominous shade of purple...

  3. Well, it's not *deadly* nightshade . . . I think it's "woody nightshade," which sounds much less threatening (um, even if it IS still poisonous).
