Thursday, June 12, 2008

Great Outdoors, here we come!

Sorry for the relative silence this week - to be honest, nothing interesting has happened, apart from the bunny sighting in the back yard on Tuesday night. But, I should have some interesting pictures and tales to recount on Monday, for this weekend we are joining Catherine and Morrie in a trek through part of the Adirondacks. Neither of us has been hiking in quite a while and we are looking forward to it. Last night we managed a bit of nifty repair work involving a Leatherman and butcher's twine on our one and only backpack, which broke the last time we went hiking at Enchanted Rock. Hurrah for a backpacker's ingenuity. I will try to remember to take a picture of the fixed backpack for next week.

So, have a good weekend, and I'll see you on the other side (assuming I don't get eaten by a bear or rabid woodchuck)!

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