Monday, May 19, 2008

Austin trip - the short version

I don't have time today to do a full report of our trip to Austin, but I know my loyal readers (well, Mom anyway) are anxious to see a picture of Benjamin in his regalia, and would like to know how it went. So, I will do a quick post now, and a longer one in the next day or so. First, the pictures. Doesn't he look learned and scholarly? Here is how the hood looks in the back:
The velvet is PhD blue, and the inside is orange and white. We could have ordered the University of Texas burnt orange regalia, which is all orange (alas, I don't have a picture of it here) but didn't. The picture on the ordering website was a little off-putting, although it looked nice in person.

Anyway, we had a really good time - the flights all went smoothly (the first time in seemingly forever that that has been the case), we got to see friends, and eat lots of good Austin food. Benjamin's dad was there, so we had a bit of family representation as well. The weather also co-operated - not too hot, not rainy - and we missed the 15 year storm with baseball-sized hail. In all, a great trip. Tomorrow I will tell you about the screaming lady on the plane, more about the storm we missed, the farmer's market, the hooding ceremony, and the incident of the missing rental car key that had me crawling around in Drew and LuAnn's bushes at 4:30 in the morning, when we were supposed to be heading to the airport.

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