Monday, April 7, 2008

Woodchuck redux

Winter is truly on its way out - the woodchucks are out in force. We have two (or maybe more by now) living under the front stoop. I have spotted several more on the canal berm in the back yard. They are thinner than in the fall, but that will probably swiftly be remedied. As I type, one is sitting on the steps up to the canal, sunning itself and munching away on something. I can see it, because it is warm enough to sit out on the porch again, for the first time since October. The cats are very pleased about this - I think they were suffering from cabin fever! Neither Cleo nor Oliver are allowed in the actual outdoors unchaperoned (Cleo doesn't have claws, Oliver is agoraphobic, and both are big sissies), but they sure do enjoy having the larger vista provided by all the windows. Creamsicle, who is allowed outside, seems pleased with her renewed ability to go exploring without freezing her tail off (must remember to get a collar for her soon). I don't know how long this lovely weather will last - it is supposed to be cold and rainy by the end of the week, or how long it will take to return again, but I sure like it!

In other news, my mom is visiting for a few days. I am taking a couple of days off from my new job so we can spend time together. She has seen her first woodchuck, and spoiled us with too much chocolate...

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