Saturday, April 12, 2008


I apologize for the lack of pictures in my posts lately. It is just that the end of March is not a particularly interesting time for photos - the snow is gone, but nothing is growing yet. It has been rather colorless and uninteresting. That is changing, thank goodness. There are bulbs of all sorts sprouting in our yard - most of which I did not plant - and in other yards. Here is one of the first in our front garden. It is a chionodoxa; I have never seen it before, at least knowingly, but I bought and planted a bag of them in the fall. Soon to follow will be some crocus, tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils.

This is our new table. Mom and I found it at Goodwill this past week for $25 - she said it probably should have been priced higher, because it is in very good shape and is very sturdy. It replaces our makeshift desk table, which is really too narrow to comfortably seat more than two people. Lately, Oliver has been causing problems because he wants to look out the kitchen windows during breakfast - which means he ends up walking all over my newspaper or the computer. Now, he has plenty of room.

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