Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's

I really wanted to post some sort of outrageous lie, er, April Fool's joke here, but I am not very good at thinking up such things - although I had no problem inventing entire imaginary lives for myself when I was young (including me convincing some cute boy in a summer Spanish class that I played polo, the kind with horses.). I remember one joke that I participated in and one that was done to me, so those will have to do:

I happened to be visiting my cousins one April 1st (must of been spring break) and my aunt decided to play a joke on my uncle. So, she took a couple of new sponges and covered them in frosting, making them look like a small cake. When my uncle came home from work, we offered him the cake to cut, then cracked up when he couldn't. It really appealed to my elementary school-aged humor.

My grandmother called me one April morning when I was in college, and very convincingly told me that she had seen a jackalope in her back yard. She was completely honest sounding, and as one not know to play jokes, it was hard to not to take her seriously. If you have never seen or heard of a jackalope, it is a semi-mythical animal that looks like a combination of a jack rabbit and an antelope. Here are a couple of articles about them: Museum of Hoaxes, and Wikipedia. If you google the term, you will also find plenty of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Not one person mentioned April Fool's jokes at school! Has the holiday passed into history?
