Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Winter math

A day and night of snow = approximately 7 (maybe as much as 9) inches accumulation + driveway = 45 minutes of shoveling = 296 calories burned. Not actually sure about the accumulation, since it comes from my very unscientific estimate with a ruler - but it was fairly consistent at 7 inches in the back and front yards. More snow possible throughout the remainder of the week.

I spent most of yesterday in a state of semi-hibernation. I think winter is even starting to get to my two Texas kitties - Cleo hates the cold and constantly burrows under the covers, and Oliver misses bird watching and cockroach chasing, not to mention eating grass. It was 92 in Austin a couple of days ago - can't say that doesn't sound at least a little bit appealing at the moment (of course, I would be complaining about it if I was actually still there).

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