Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring is springing!

Well, not here it isn't, not really. The beautiful, small, pink buds I saw on a tree yesterday are a sign that the end is in sight (even if it is 2 or 3 months away), but it started snowing again yesterday afternoon, and is still at it. However, Mariners pitchers and catchers report to spring training today, and the rest of the team can't be far behind! Three cheers for baseball - even with the acrimony surrounding the semi-controversial Bedard-Jones trade, and with the Rocket on the Hill denying he (or his wife - who cares if she used it, is she in line for the hall of fame?) ever used rocket fuel, baseball is starting again. Spring and summer are just around the corner. Soon these days of cold and snow will be just a memory, and we will be eating fresh produce and listening to J.J. Putz strike out the side in the bottom of the 9th to win the game. Hooray!

And tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I am celebrating by baking an Orange Cardamom bundt cake - any excuse for yummy baking works for me!