Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring is springing (part 2)

Despite the snow and bitter cold that are predicted for the rest of the week, there are signs that spring is really coming. We have had lovely, sunny weather for the last few days - the snow and ice on the sidewalks is decreasing, roofs are clear - and this morning, I saw three more signs. (1) The first woodchuck of the new year! I was on my way out to fill the bird feeders in the backyard when I heard a crashing and rustling in the dried grass and weeds along the fence, too loud to be a squirrel and they run up the power pole anyway. When it emerged near the corner of the yard, heading for the mini-wilderness of the canal berm, it was revealed as a woodchuck. Hooray! (2) Also while I was out filling the bird feeders, I heard rapid tapping, and discovered a woodpecker drilling away at the top of a tree in the neighbor's yard. (3) I saw a couple of birds (starlings?) either starting a nest, or feeding babies in the hole in the side of the neighbor's house. This is an interesting hole - during the late fall and early winter, it was occupied by a pair of squirrels. Don't know if it is a purpose built squirrel hidey hole, or an accidental one, but they certainly made it there own. Haven't seen them in a while, and now it appears to be a bird hole.

Surely true spring can't be too far behind!

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